
Weight Gain

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Weight Gain services offered in Houston, TX

Most people have looked down at the number on their scale only to be surprised at what they see. If you notice weight gain seemingly without a cause, Ronald Bryant, MD, and the team at Balance Wellness Center in Houston, Texas, can help you explore why your weight is increasing and strategies to manage it. If you notice unexpected weight gain, it’s time to schedule an appointment by phone or online at Balance Wellness Center right away. 

Weight Gain Q & A

What is weight gain?

Weight gain is something that happens to everyone from time to time. Sometimes, you can easily explain the increased number on the scale: You might have changed your diet, retained a lot of water by overeating salt, or gained muscle by going to the gym consistently. However, the underlying reason for weight gain is sometimes harder to identify. 

Why does weight gain happen?

In general, you gain weight when body fat accumulates. This happens when you consume more calories than you burn off. It can happen to anyone, and because your metabolism can fluctuate for various reasons, it might even occur without a specific change in your diet or exercise habits. 

Several medical conditions also cause or contribute to weight gain or make it harder for you to lose weight. During your weight loss consultation at Balance Wellness Center, the team goes over your medical history and can identify possible contributing factors, such as:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Menopause
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Edema
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

You can also gain weight more rapidly because of the overuse of corticosteroid medications and other drugs. 

When should I address my weight gain?

There are multiple reasons why you might want to address your weight gain with help from the team at Balance Wellness Center. You should schedule a weight loss consultation if you’re overweight or obese and struggle to lose weight. It’s particularly important to address weight gain with a physician if it happens rapidly or appears without a distinctive cause. 

How can I stop gaining weight?

Balance Wellness Center provides medical weight loss services to those who need extra help managing their weight gain and returning to a healthier or more comfortable weight. Medical weight loss involves a weight loss program conducted by a physician tailored to your needs and specifications. 

Your medical weight loss plan might involve treatments for specific conditions contributing to your weight gain. Generally, weight loss plans involve a combination of nutritional education, diet management, and regular exercise. Yours might also involve medications or supplements to assist with managing your weight, such as appetite suppressants or vitamin B12 injections. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about weight gain, why it happens, and how to reverse it, call Balance Wellness Center or schedule a weight loss consultation online today.